The 24th Annual Awards Dinner for the Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation scheduled for September 4th at the Fairmont Orchid has been cancelled due to the spread of the Delta variant in Hawaii.  The Foundation is so saddened to have to cancel the second event in a row due to the pandemic but since we have such a large group of guests at this event each year, it simply is not safe to have a gathering of this nature at this time during this pandemic.

We would encourage everyone to please support the Hawaii Fire Department's needs for rescue equipment and training  that will not be feasible for purchase in the County of Hawaii budget. All of the equipment is essential so that they can help to save lives here on the Big Island in the most efficient way possible.

Thank all of you for caring so much about our wonderful community and our first responders!!

23rd Annual Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation Awards Dinner
Saturday, September 5, 2020
No Packages in Catalog 24th Annual Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation Awards and Fundraiser
24th Annual Daniel R. Sayre Memorial Foundation Awards and Fundraiser